Friday, January 06, 2006

Their man in Jerusalem

The quality of the BBC's reporting from Israel and the Occupied Territories has always been uneven (and that's being charitable). I have rarely seen reporting and vox popping as clueless as that undertaken by the Beeb's correspondent outside of the Dome of the Rock following Friday prayers today. The hapless reported - whose name escapes me for the moment - was bemused to hear speaker after speaker state that no, they did not expect there to be any breakthroughs in the 'peace process' and indeed, that they did not expect anything from the Israeli's.

"But surely," our correspondent plaintively asked, flailing around for a new angle, "Sharon had become a man of peace." The expression of incredulity on the face of the Jerusalem shopkeeper indicated the perspicacity of his interlocutor.

Questioning like this gives the lie to the claim that the BBC is pro-Palestinian. Instead they cannot even begin to understand the depth of Palestinian grievances. Pitiful.

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