Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Good riddance

There will probably be some idiot in the national press who will try and find some good in the tawdry, sordid, miserable life of John Tyndall, racist, fascist and leading figure within Nazi organisations stretching back to the Fifties. Unlike more recent leaders of the fascist right like Nick Griffin, Tyndall made little attempt to disguise the true nature of his politics and his bids for respactability were always less plausible, even to the more gullible elements within society.

The BBC's story lets the man off lightly and allows the British National Party to praise Tyndall as a 'great man.' The fact is that the man was scum and the world is better off without him. Tyndall was an anti-semite and was involved in the founding a number of openly Nazi organisations. One site quotes the BNP as saying that the CPS and police may have hounded Tyndall to death. If only.

Good riddance.

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