Monday, June 06, 2005

Waking from the American Dream

Proof that the US model works in today's New York Times.

According to the Op Ed item on class mobility - the foundation of the American Dream - is a myth. The author writes: "American workers have been hurting badly for years. Revolutionary improvements in technology, increasingly globalized trade, the competition of low-wage workers overseas and increased immigration here at home, the decline of manufacturing, the weakening of the labor movement, outsourcing and numerous other factors have left American workers with very little leverage to use against employers.

Many in the middle class are mortgaged to the hilt, maxed out on credit cards and fearful to the point of trembling that all they've worked for might vanish in a downsized minute.

The privileged classes, with the Bush administration's iron cloak of protection, avoid their fair share of taxes, are reluctant to pay an honest dollar for an honest day's work (the federal minimum wage is still a scandalous $5.15 an hour), refuse to fight in their nation's wars, and laugh all the way to their yachts."

Bob Herbert's comment piece in the US establishment's house journal links to a special, Class Mattters which reveals the suppressed truth underpinning Republican ideology.

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